Week 6 – Contacting an Expert and the start of dog treats

This week I contacted an expert and started to make dog treats. I contacted many people on Instagram (I contacted 15 people, and only 3 replied. One of them was local and the other two were from Ontario and the US. They were very helpful especially the one from Ontario writing me lots of advice and the one from Edmonton. I learned lots of useful tips like what not to use and what to use to make and feed your dog. Below is my conversation with them. I decided to follow the advice of one of the experts and I decided to start by researching at the library and I took the book “Healthy Homemade Dog” by Serena Faber- Nelson. It has a a bunch of recipes and I think I will try to make one this week. I want to make the fresh breath dog treats or the pumpkin and chia biscuits. I will update you this week.

Week 5 – Vegan stuffed peppers

This week I decided to make vegan stuffed peppers. These are cheesy and gooey recipes which I fairly enjoy. I have tried non vegan and vegan options and I must say I prefer the vegan version. The cheese crisps and becomes a golden color which is so melty and cheesy. It’s so good and has an explosion of flavor. The only bad thing is its more of an appetizer and not like a full course meal. I made them without any meat or meat alternatives which means I just made them with pure vegan cheese. I made the vegan cheese out of tofu, basil, and cashews.